Tanjiro Backstory
Demon slayer is a Japanese manga series, it was written back in 2016 by Koyoharu Gotouge. The story revolves around a young kid named Tanjiro Kamado who lives in a heavily forested area on a mountain named Kumotori with his mother and his siblings. Mount Kumotori is the highest mountain in Japan. Tanjiro leaves his mother and siblings to go sell charcoal in the nearest town, so he can earn a living for his family. Its winter season in Japan, on his way back from town a man named Saburo who lives close to Tanjiro house, greets him. Saburo advises Tanjiro not to go to his home at this hour of night as it is extremely dangerous because of demons lurking around at this time of night. Tanjiro doesn’t believe in the existence of such creatures, but he listens to Saburo advise and stays at his house for the night where he eats dinner also.
The next morning, he leaves Saburo house and heads back home. On his way back, Tanjiro senses something is wrong as he can sniff the smell of blood in air. So, he rushes back to his house where he witnesses a massacre of his family, but his sister Nezuko is still alive somehow. Devastated, Tanjiro carries his sister down the mountain, so she could be treated by a doctor. In the brink of the moment his sister Nezuko start transforming into a demon and attacks him. Tanjiro on the ground (while his sister is on top of him) fighting and trying to stop Nezuko from killing him. Tanjiro shouts at his sister to remember herself and who she was, and she start to remember while tears drop from her face. In the heat of the moment a young man named Giyu Tomioka arrives and attacks Nezuko. Tanjiro saves his sister from Giyu attack. Giyu (stunted by Tanjiro action) launches another attack at the siblings and capture Nezuko. Tanjiro tries to convince Giyu that his sister is still human, she won’t hurt anybody, and he will take her responsibility and he will try to find a cure for her demonic disease. Giyu shrug off Tanjiro argument saying no such thing has ever happened of demon turning back to human and Tanjiro is either very stupid to think of such a thing. Giyu then says that now he will end his sister life and strikes Nezuko with his sword. Sensing danger, Tanjiro picks up his hatchet and starting throwing rocks toward Giyu while running, in a flanking manoeuvre Tanjiro wittingly attack Giyu. Giyu stops Tanjiro by knocking him down with his sword guard, but he remembered that Tanjiro also carried a hatchet, as Giyu was processing Tanjiro move the hatchet falls from the air and strikes the tree behind Giyu, missing his head by an inch. Giyu gets stunted by Tanjiro’s clever move to take him down, meanwhile Nezuko free herself from Giyu grip kicks Giyu in stomach while he gets launched back creating distance between them. Nezuko rushes towards Tanjiro to protect him, this action by Nezuko shocks Giyu. Nezuko start to attack Giyu with her claws while Giyu dodges Nezuko attacks one by one, Giyu subdue Nezuko by hitting her near her neck with the palm of his hand.
As Tanjiro gains consciousness he finds Nezuko unconscious near him, Giyu introduces himself to Tanjiro and tells him to go to Sagiri mountain and meet an old man named Sakonji Urokodaki. From here and onwards Tanjiro Kamado as a demon slayer journey start.
Why will fans cry at the end of demon slayer?
Remember the fight between Akaza and Rengoku, how it went even with Rengoku trying hard to kill and behead Akaza. All his effort went in vain with his death and Akaza escaping the battlefield. Akaza was not even trying hard during his fight with Rengoku while Tanjiro and Inosuke were witnessing this epic battle. We can see how Rengoku death affected the demon slayer anime and us fans also. Similarly, the battle between Gyutaro and Demon slayers also went downhill, with Tengen Uzi losing his arm and an eye, while Tanjiro and Inosuke were critically injured. All of them were poisoned. Nezuko saved them with her blood demon art of healing at the end. If Nezuko didn’t have this skill, what would have happened to the slayers with Zenitisu being the sole survivor, getting mildly injured. With the ending of the Hashira training arc, one can guess that the fun times are over, and things are going to get tough real fast for the demon slayers. The Hashira training arc season was more like “Calm before the storm” and to mentally prepare the fans for the switch in gear. As Tanjiro and gang are going to battle army of lower rank demons along with the three solid Upper rank demon Akaza, Kokushibo and Douma along with Muzan. How they solve and handle the constant threat of Nakime using her abilities to harm the slayer. How they will land in the infinity castle. Who will be fight who, at the start of infinity castle arc. We can only do the guess work, as it will be devastating to lose our favourite characters during this battle of epic proportion.
As the Announcement of the final two arc (Infinity castle and Sunrise Countdown) to be made into three separate movies, we can only speculate what would happen next. We know that only Akaza managed to win his fight against a Hashira Rengoku along with other slayers present. And That happened in the Mugen train arc, after this victory Muzan forces have seen only defeat after defeat losing three of his most trusted and powerful Upper ranks in entertainment district arc and in Swordsmith arc. We as fans are in for a shock because many of our favourites hashira and slayers will not see the end of Muzan in Sunrise countdown arc, either thy will be defeated by Muzan Upper ranks or lose their lives trying hard to defeat Muzan himself like Rengoku. We as fans would need a lot of tissue papers for our tears, as there will be a ton of scene with emotional elements attach to them. Lady Tamayo fate is also sealed because at the end of the final episode, she is seen fighting Muzan and she punches him in the stomach to deliver the final blow a medicine which can cure the curse of being a demon and the medicine can turn the host back to his human. Muzan is shocked by Tamayo action in the final scene, so he is going to kill her first.